Hello there,

my name is
Kaih White
Who am I?
Picture of me

I am a tinkerer who grew up on systems that were before my time and got to see the information revolution unfold before my eyes. Every system has always been a magical black box waiting to have its contents emptied. It all started with modifying game code to find exploits and dissesemlbing electric skateboards to replace components for friends. I didn't realize it, but I was practicing my ability to understand systems and reverse engineer them. My fascination with systems and solutions only grows with every opportunity I have to work on complex topics and diverse problems.

Work Experience

Lead Engineer


Created a game engine from the ground up using C++ and OpenGL while acting as the lead engineer for a team of 3. Greatly improved my understanding of graphics programming and optimizing for hardware.

Lead Fullstack Engineer


Created an on-demand legal service web app to connect clients with lawyers anywhere in the US via video call. Acted as lead engineer for a team of 7 and used the AWS CDK to design a serverless architecture using Python and React.

Software Development Engineer Intern


Interned as a software development engineer on the AWS Customer Experience team and learned how to build cloud-native applications using AWS services. Specifcally, I worked on migrating a legacy AWS feature to a serverless architecture using the AWS CDK and Javascript.
